
Loki: What is The Void in Marvel Comics? - desmaraistang1999

Loki: What is The Void in Marvel Comics?

still from Loki episode 5
(Image acknowledgment: Marvel Studios)

Now that Loki is wrapped, on that point are still questions that remain following the unveil of the power tush the Prison term Variance Authority and who dwells in the Citadel at the End of Time, beyond the destructive kingdom of The Void.

For one thing, the realm of The Void itself holds more or less mysteries still. Though Alioth's presence has been explained, there are any interesting clues about The Empty's ongoing connection to several of the establish's most prominent Loki variants - several of which could amount into play in the already confirmed Loki season 2.

Spoilers ahead for Loki season 1.

The Void

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

Beyond The Void lies the Citadel at the End of Fourth dimension, the domicile of truth power behind the TVA - He Who Remains, an adaptation of a trucking rig-obscure comical book type WHO has been self-established as a variation of Kang the Conqueror in the MCU.

Atomic number 2 Who Stiff is responsible for edifice the fake Time-Keepers, creating the TVA, and capturing Alioth as a way to win a Multiversal war 'tween his ain many a variants.

Merely The Void itself remains a trifle of a mystery - and Loki sequence 5's exploration of the kingdom left both clues about its, and how the MCU concept may deliver been elysian by its comic Holy Writ vis-a-vis after every last, World Health Organization is not a place at every last, just a person.

In turn, those odd connections could spell a hereafter for The Void in the MCU.

What is The Void?

The Void

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

In comics books, The Void is a being of depressing energy who is connected inextricably to The Sentry, a superhero who has "the power of a thousand exploding suns" with an equally powerful opposite, evil personality - that being The Void.

The Sentry has a bizarre Marvel Comics history. In his origin, Robert Reynolds is a meth addict who breaks into a lab to find drugs, only to absorb an experimental compound called the Golden Sentry Serum. Obtaining awing cosmic power, Sir Joshua Reynolds becomes addicted to the drug, but eventually turns himself around and becomes one of the strongest heroes in the Marvel Universe to adventure alongside the Avengers, the Giant, the Grotesque Four, and eve the X-Manpower.

Simply through it all, The Sentry struggles against The Void - which kills over a million people in a devastating onrush on New House of York City - until He discovers that The Void is in fact part of him, and the only means to truly defeat the evil indoors him is to essentially erase all memory of his cosmos and his powers, even from himself. With the help of Doctor Strange and Reed Richards, the Sentry hides his existence, erasing his ultimo and hiding his actions in the Wonder World.

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

Years later, however, Reynolds' memories and powers resurfaced, and with them came The Void. Though he was able to rally Earth's heroes and occlusion The Nothingness erstwhile more, once again being unrecoverable by all, this didn't last long, and The Sentry began reappearing regularly, straight-grained becoming connected with the Avengers again.

Naturally, this in itself proved to be a tragedy following the events of Orphic Encroachment in which Norman Osborn, a key persona in preventing Earth from existence conquered by Skrulls, is called the leader of HAMMER, a more overbearing rendering of Buckler. Osborn creates his personal 'Dark Avengers' comprised of villains fetching on the identities of known heroes much As Wanderer-Man, Loom, Hawkeye, and more, complete while operating according to Osborn and HAMMER's whims.

For his powerhouse, he recruits The Lookout - beginning a series of manipulations and subversions on the hero to return The Void A Osborn's secret weapon.

All the while, Osborn is also working with Loki every bit part of a scheme to return Asgard, which was then located on Solid ground, back to its own realm with Loki as the leader.

Here's where things get even worse.

Loki and The Void

page from Siege #4

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

Osborn's clip as leader of Forge culminates in the story Siege, in which Osborn, Loki, and the Dark Avengers set up their assault on Asgard. But much to Loki's horror, Osborn has been manipulating him entirely along as intimately, with a design non to send Asgard national but to destroy it.

As the Avengers and other heroes intervene, Loki seizes the Norn Stones, realism-altering Asgardian artifacts, to empower the heroes and economise Asgard - he can't rule dust, subsequently all. Just The Void, now full in control of the Sentry, manages to send Asgard crashing to the solid ground in front attacking Loki and killing him.

(Paradigm quotation: Marvel Comics)

This sets inactive the mountain chain of events in which Loki is reborn As Kid Loki, and starts on a journey toward heroism and self-discovery that's echolike in the Loki streaming show. And though Lookout/Vacuum is subjugated again, this ISN't the end of his association with Loki.

Years afterward his death and rebirth, Loki (now a young adult and once again attractive in some cosmic mischievousness with a little Sir Thomas More of an selfless motive) tricks Doctor Strange into cession the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme to him in the story Doctor Eery: Graven image of Magic, under the belief that He is better poised to take on an imminent wizard threat than Fantastic.

Things take a serious routine when Loki unintentionally kills Strange's dog, Bats (don't worry, Loki ulterior brings him back in his heavenly body form), leading Strange to seek out The Sentry, who's in isolation afterwards being separated from The Vacancy. Sentry confronts Loki, who escalates the conflict aside releasing The Void from its magical prison inside The Holy of holies, inadvertently setting upward the very threat that Loki was initially disagreeable to fight.

At long last, Loki and Strange team adequate defeat the magical threat that is bigger than both of them, and The Void is recaptured and unfree again in the Sanctum sanctorum Sanctorum.

The Void in the MCU

Loki variants

(Paradigm credit: Marvel Studios)

In the MCU, The Void is more of a place than a being - though it also is home to the entity proverbial every bit Alioth, which devours everything that comes into its itinerary, including variants of Loki. This is a bit different from comic books, in which Alioth, while silent a massive cloud-like being, is a time conqueror.

Alioth As a devourer is somewhat similar to The Void from comic books, which too manifests with similar purple energy and smoke. There's some thematic connection there - especially considering Alioth devours Rusty Loki, WHO bears the strongest resemblance to his comic book counterpart - but not an apparent storyline connection.

That said, in that location are some particularly interesting implications about the comic rule book history of The Sentry and The Void that also line up with the themes explored in Loki - particularly the lost timeline of Robert Reynolds.

Though Reynolds never really encountered the TVA and isn't a variant, his existence does jeopardise reality past allowing a secret power that's been locked away to potentially go out and destroy everything in its path, forcing all memory board of his universe to live erased and concealed, justified from himself and his Allies.

Again, there are some interesting thematic parallels at that place. Ravonna tells Sylvie she has no memory of why Sylvie was initially targeted by the TVA - and naturally, everyone in the TVA is mindwiped, which leaves a host of mysteries around the TVA and its agents for Loki season 2.

On that point's one Sir Thomas More particularly interesting - if a bit far-fetched - point about The Sentry and The Avoid in relation to Loki, and it altogether comes back to one of Loki's most prominent variants: Kid Loki.

(Mental image credit: Marvel)

In funny books, Loki was born-again as Small fry Loki after battling The Void to the destruction and losing. When Loki meets Classic Loki and Kid Loki, Standard Loki states that The Void is "[Kid Loki's] realm." Then, when Classic Loki uses his unreal powers to disquiet Alioth, he rebuilds the wreckage of Asgard that is all more or less him - wreckage that within reason resembles the fallen Asgard from Siege, which was destroyed by The Emptiness.

Finally, Kid Loki states that the 'Nexus Event' that led to his pruning by the MCU was that he "killed Thor." In comic books, when Thor dies in the event Fright Itself, it's due in part to Kid Loki meddling in the gone and unknowingly altering Thor's fate.

Fry Loki is one of Loki's most popular variants, some in mirthful books and in the MCU, so anything that could bring him book binding - especially to join up with the other Young Avengers characters that have been introduced in the MCU - seems like-minded an easy trade.

And naturally, there's the upcoming Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Fury, which is said to connect back to Loki. The utmost time Loki, The Void, and The Sentry all crossbred paths, Queer was at the center of the conflict, and Strange was also part of the answer to defeating The Vacancy in the best locate. That film will also stick in America Chavez to the MCU, WHO was a paint part of Kid Loki's earned run average of the Young Avengers.

Finally, the MCU region of The Nihility seems comparable a place that could be exempt from the Multiversal mayhem that is apparently nigh to ensue - and its dweller Alioth was instrumental in ending the first Multiverse war, according to He World Health Organization Remains.

Straight off that the Multiverse is unlocked and working free, anything and everything is happening the table. And with variants of MCU characters and concepts now an active part of the tarradiddle, we may even see multiple versions of all kinds of characters - The Void included.

While Loki's MCU story is even so developing, read abreast the best Loki stories from comic books.

George Marston

I've been Newsarama's house physician Marvel Comics expert and general comic book historian since 2011. I've also been the on-site newsperson at most major comic conventions such as Comic-Scam World: San Diego, New House of York Mirthful Con, and C2E2. Outside of comic journalism, I am the creative person of numerous Weird pictures, and the guitarist of many laboured riffs. (They/Them)


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